Developing NET ZERO at Khang An Foods: A journey full of effort

Khang An Foods has embarked on a meaningful journey to build a sustainable and eco-friendly workspace. From implementing small-scale activities to raise awareness and change the mindset of the workers to promoting education and advocacy programs on NET ZERO, Khang An Foods has been relentlessly striving to advance the goal of environmental protection towards Net Zero. This is the story of the sustainable development journey of Khang An Foods, from our humble beginnings to proud achievements.

Inception point upon establishment

Since our establishment, Khang An Foods has identified sustainable development as our main objective throughout the process of building and growing. Simultaneously, we also has had the opportunity to work with large corporations worldwide, which are also creating their own sustainable development goals. These are two major motivations for us to focus on developing and leveraging our own things.

Sustainable development goal of Khang An Foods

Khang An Foods' sustainable development goal focuses not only on effective production and business but also on providing a positive working environment, with human rights, equality, respect and environmental protection. Not only is the Executive Board accountable for this, but each member of KAF is as well.

To accomplish this goal, we has clearly specified activities and policies to support sustainable development, including resource management, waste minimization, and the creation of a positive and friendly working environment.

Driving force for Khang An Foods to start focusing on development

With our unique workforce, from the outset, Khang An Foods has proactively determined to conduct what is truly close to our members, rather than over-explaining without certainty of effectiveness. Therefore, every small step has been taken to gradually change the awareness and habits of all people over time.

Khang An Foods’ small steps in a journey towards sustainable development

In 2021, Khang An Foods encouraged everyone to start sorting waste. At that time, many were still unclear about the significance and benefit of this practice, or the consequences of not classifying waste. Doubts, dissatisfaction, and resistance appeared on those faces. Despite initial dissemination of information about environmental protection and the benefits of waste reduction, only few individuals had embraced the initiative. The majority, however, were yet to find the direct benefits and thus remained reluctant. Until the end of the year, after reviewing and summarizing, we rewarded all employees by the fund formed from the sale of all recycled waste. Each person received only 1,400 VND, which hardly reflects the value of unity. Therefore, the company decided to consolidate the funds by team/department so that everyone can use it or have a meal together, creating a sense of team spirit, and also conveying the value of collective effort. For example, a team of 35 people would receive 49,000 dong, which can be used to buy sweets to treat their teammates.

In 2022, we began holding departmental competitions. Those who recycle more waste will be rewarded. The outcome was a real improvement, with a fivefold increase compared to before. After the first reward in 2021, we finally felt the enthusiasm of all members, which was indeed a good sign. By the end of 2022, this rate had gradually increased, and the company rewarded each person with a bottle of water, equivalent to 8,000 VND per person. The real value would lie in the fact that KAF members are now more aware of waste classification not only at their company but also in daily lives. Some shared that they give up the habit of littering while others may start from sorting waste at home and selling recyclables for a little extra money. They said that this money would go to their children, aiming to teach the younger generation about environmental protection and the benefits of even the smallest daily actions.

In 2023: Enhancing training and disseminating knowledge about NET ZERO for employees.

The year of 2023 witnessed all mainstream media outlets talking about NET ZERO. Our company has been actively promoting training and raising awareness about NET ZERO, providing specific explanations to KAF members. Every day, we assign a team to inspect and regularly release promotional videos to keep all members informed. By the end of 2023, we had summarized the recycling fund for the third time. Although the number of members has not increased, the amount of recyclable waste classified has risen, demonstrating our efforts are paying off. According to current surveys, the awareness and implementation of waste sorting both at our site and in households among KAF members is extremely high. They classify waste at home and also educate their children to sort waste accordingly, which we consider to be tremendously valuable as this has a meaningful ripple effect within the community and generation.

The concept of NET ZERO is no longer unfamiliar to KAF members as we consistently integrates production processes and daily work into activities linked to Net Zero. The implementation of the Right and Enough culture has been provided with detailed guidance with examples such as: a wrongly printed sheet of paper or an excessive amount of printed paper causing unnecessary waste and high emissions for the company's operation. Delays caused by dependencies on preceding stages or other departments result in reduced work efficiency for these stages/departments, leading to unsustainable or low income. To make high income, work efficiency and value creation must increase, while waiting time must be cut-off. Furthermore, the use of excessive or higher-than-standard raw materials, all defective products or the great rate of defective goods contribute to wastage, not only leading to higher production costs, which make it difficult for the Company to compete with rivals in sales, but also impacting the use of excessive resources that harm the environment. All of these reflect our Net Zero activities.


This journey just begins

Over the past 2 years, the launch of the Recycling Fund has helped the company reduce 9.87 tons of CO2 emissions into the environment through small but impactful actions. Simultaneously, it has raised awareness among all members about the importance of environmental protection and the company's commitment to being "Right and Enough" in culture.

On the journey towards sustainable development, Khang An Foods has determined that one must act from the heart. Every actions rooted in the heart is the most steadfast and enduring. Therefore, Khang An Foods has continuously strived to bring about positive changes within the workforce community. Promoting awareness, cultivating good habits, inspiring, and undertaking small activities to preserve the environment have resulted in significant achievements. When it comes to environmental protection and the creation of a sustainable future for our community and our planet, every small action does count. This is made possible by the cooperation of all members of the Company, regardless of their title, educational background, age, gender, skin color, or ethnicity. 

Khang An Foods expects to continue the implementation of activities and policies on Sustainability, with the participation and support of all members, to contribute to the NET ZERO goal and create a positive and friendly working environment.

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